Just U..SP [P-2]

Alright..this is the continuation of Just U!!! that have 10 chapter…n this is the SP n currently this is 2nd part of it!!

~JUST U~ ~Majisuka Gakuen+Majisuka Prison~

pairing..as u already know..CenterxGekikara,SadoxTorigoya,Otabex Nezumi, ShakuxGakuran,MisoxDance…hihi..Shibuya x Black…


I’m…sleepy…too sleepy…OK..that’s it…I’m sleepy BUT there is only a few page to revise and then..I JUST CANT LEAVE IT!!!


I need to work later..hmm…sleepy2 my sleepy self..hope ur not sleepy when u’re work…huhu..




[PART 2]

black x shibuya


“LOVE..” Black talking by herself and watch blankly the scenery outside of the restaurant.

I’m so fortunate.. Black taught and smile by herself.


…Thanks for accepting me…

Black grin by herself as all the memory between her and Shibuya kept playing back repeatedly inside her mind.



-After coming back from ‘celebrating’ Center and Gekikara out from the prison.

Black walking alone at the quiet street that is the shortcut way to her home. There is some wound all over her body BUT her face doesn’t show it at all.

“She’s look really happy..” Black whispered to her own self to knock out her sense back to reality that Gekikara is seriously together with Center and living happily.

I’m happy when she’s happy.. Black wearing an awkward smile as that taught come in her mind.

Suddenly, while Black walking through the street, she can see 2 familiar figure waving their hand to her.

Shibuya..n..Dance..Black quite surprise with the unexpected meeting there.  Black just staring at them felt a bit reluctant to see them as her appearance a bit messy and not like her usual self.


Shibuya that already tired of waiting Black come to them at last walking towards Black as she doesn’t move a step to them even though they’re waiting there.

“U’re still fighting??” Shibuya said while wearing a curious look on her face.

“Ah..no..not really..just..hmm..” Black try to cover up  a few scratch and wounds on her face and body,

“Come with me..I have some emergency kit at my house..” Shibuya said while walking slowly to the front leaving Black alone.

“Ur house??” Black ask while following Shibuya from behind. It’s the first time Shibuya invited her there.

“Yeah..it’s near..” Shibuya said bluntly and then play around with Dance as Dance kept clinging on her.

Is she and Dance live together.. Black asking her own self when she saw the intimacy between the two person in front of her.


“Dance…u can go back for now..we’re meet tomorrow..” Shibuya said while patting Dance head.

“Oo..OK!!” Dance is dancing happily as she got a permission to go back from Shibuya. She’s too excited to met her special one.

“LOL..u’re that happy??” Black quite surprise with the excited Dance that celebrating Shibuya permission.

“Yeah..have a date with Miso…” Dance kept dancing happily and doesn’t really care about Black that glared at her after she say those words.

“Miso?? The one that stab Gekikara?? U..” Black try to confirming what she heard and did making a small move towards Dance.

“Ah…Black..calm down..” Shibuya grab Black that apparently changing to fighting mode.

“Are u crazy?? That Miso..” Black turn to look at Shibuya while wearing frustrated and disbelief face.

“She’s Gekikara younger sister..” Shibuya said bluntly as she the only one that knew it as Dance telling her everything about Miso before to save both Miso and Gekikara relationship.

“Serious??” Black absolutely fell into confusion world.

“Yeah…Dance..u can go now..”Shibuya nod once and turn to Dance back and giving a reassured gaze to Dance to go from there before Black doing anything to her.

“HAI!!” Dance nod and shout loudly a ‘YES’ before run away from there as she afraid that Black will attack her.

“Huh..ur dark vibes..still strong..” Shibuya said while wearing a smirk on her face.

“whatever..u better tell me everything..” Black take a deep breath before give a strong gaze to Shibuya demanding the answer for everything that entangled in her mind.

“I will..later..” Shibuya said bluntly while lead the way into her house.


“Wait..today is the day that Gekikara and Center out right??” Shibuya said as she remembered Sado message. She’s been informed BUT she can’t go as she have something to do before with Dance.

“Yeah..n we’ve been attack by them..” Black said while let out a small laugh at she remembered how Center is too into that fighting while Gekikara just following her and not being serious at all.

“Attack??” Shibuya quite surprise with that one words and why Black laughing if it’s an attack.

“Yes…they trap us..me n others..” Black explain shortly n still can’t keep herself calm as she think about it.

“What’s that ..” Shibuya look confuse as she trying to figure out the actual things that happened.

“For fun..this..Center plan..” Black said bluntly.

“Owh..Center..n.. Gekikara..” Shibuya at last grasp everything that Black try to say BUT her smile dead after she figure out the real expression behind Black face.

“Un..” Black just nod weakly and smile awkwardly.


-inside Shibuya room-

Shibuya treat Black wounds….

“U’re one of a kind..” Shibuya said weakly while doing what she need to do.

“What kind..” Black ask nervously as she can see Shibuya grin by herself.

That’s rare.. Black taught quietly. She’s quite surprise to see that expression on Shibuya.

“A kind of person that I might fall in love with..” Shibuya said bluntly without hiding anything. She’s mile widely and grin by herself again.


“U..to Gekikara..hmm..” Shibuya said reluctantly while glance a few times to Black.

“..I really envy her..” Shibuya awkwardly say it and stared at the floor afterwards. Her hands also stop treating  Black wounds and weakly fall into her own thighs.

“Shibuya..” Black felt hurt as she see Shibuya that look totally hopeless.

“Why I don’t have someone like u..” Shibuya voice shaking as if she cry anytime from that second.

“Like me..I think..u can get whoever u want..if u want it..” Black try to calm Shibuya down and patting her back.

“Really??” Shibuya look at Black with teary eyes.

“Yeah…u’re beautiful..kind..generous…maybe yeah..u just sometimes…too..hmm..” Black try to find more Shibuya charms that she can think.

“What??” Shibuya look surprise with a sudden sweet and praising words by Black.  She doesn’t knew Black have this side of her.

“Nothing..it’s ur charm..I like it..” Black said honestly. It’s the truth that she knew long-long time ago.

“What??” Shibuya ask again as Black saying it as if she’s whispering to herself.

“Ur pouting face..n ur serious face..people might misunderstand it..BUT I find it’s..very charming…” Black try to say it again with different words.

“..” Shibuya become speechless at the sudden small confession.

“U’re blushing…I doesn’t expect it..” Black felt her heart calm and reassured by the blushing face of Shibuya.

“Why??” Shibuya said while glaring at Black that look like having fun teasing herself.

“Because it’s me..that said it..” Black said bluntly and smile widely as she see Shibuya reaction.

“U..huh…” Shibuya let out a short sigh and cup her face.

“Now u sighing…” Black said with playful tone.

“I’m just.. like u..having one sided love all this time..satisfied??” Shibuya said those words while cupping her cheek that become redden by time.

“Wait…with who??” Black did heard it BUT she felt there is a need to confirm it again.

“….” Shibuya just being quiet and continue what she done before. She’s blushing hard as Black staring at her with blank face.


“Eeeeee!!! ME??” Black pointing herself using her other hand that have been finish being bandage properly by Shibuya.  She still can’t believe it after she think it a few times.

“BAKA!!” Shibuya look straight at Black eyes and say it. Then, continue again her unfinished work. Black blinking a few times and stared at Shibuya.

“Huh..” Shibuya sighing again as she can felt Black gaze.

“Is it the truth??” Black try to confirming the answer that she just had on her mind.

“I don’t repeat what I said..” Shibuya said bluntly.

“Hmm..” Black suddenly become quiet and act as I she thinking. Shibuya did realize about it BUT she just ignore it as Black doesn’t felt serious with her feeling and only being playful on her.

I..I talk a lot… Black quite shock as she realize about it. It’s the first time she’s felt very free to talk about everything and being playful and tease others without any specific reason.


Back to present..

“Black?? Daydreaming..not like u..”

“Ah..Shaku..” Black quite surprise as she doesn’t realize when Shaku arrived there.

“Where is Gakuran?? I call her to pick me before BUT she doesn’t pick up her phone..” Shaku said while her eyes roaming around the restaurant searching for that one person.

“She…” Black want to say something BUT shaku suddenly interrupt her even she just started.

“What?? Playing with girls again??” Shaku assuming as she can see that Black hiding something.

“Again??”  Black ask as she unsure of what Shaku think.

“Huh…she really…” Shaku frown at that one fact.

“She’s not..” Black shook her head.

“Then??” Shaku ask curiously.

“Shibuya..she’s mad…” Black said words by words slowly hoping that Shaku understand and not misunderstood anything BUT again, Shaku cut her words.

“So??” Shaku ask straightly.

“She take Gakuran out to..hmm..I think u know..” Black said bluntly as she give up on explaining things to Shaku.

“Waaaa!!!! WHY U DOESN’T STOP HER???” Shaku whine and asking the reason why Black don’t stop Shibuya at the first place.

“She..” Black try to telling the truth BUT Shaku is too busy and occupied with Gakuran that she forgot Black still there try to explain something to her.

“Huh…calling…calling…” Shaku anxiously call repeatedly Gakuran phone.

“U sure doesn’t change…”  Black said bluntly while watching Shaku.

“Ah!!! WHERE IS GAKURAN!!” Shaku become frustrated as Gakuran doesn’t pick up her phone.

“Shaku..” a sudden familiar voice calling her from her back. It’s Gakuran that continuously caressing her cheek and some part of her body.

“GAKURAN!!! Are u OK?? Are u ALRIGHT??” Shaku that totally anxious become more anxious as she see Gakuran condition and help her to sit on her seat.

“waa..my gakuran…Shibuya..I HATE U!!” Shaku check out Gakuran face and all then turn to Shibuya just to give a hating gaze at her.

“Yeah…yeah..whatever…” Shibuya doesn’t really care or nervous about it.

“Shaku..it’s my fault..dun blame her..” Gakuran try to back up Shibuya as Shaku kept glaring at Shibuya.

“u always sided with other girl..huh…” Shaku turn to face Gakuran while wearing a disappointed face.

“Now what Shaku…” Gakuran felt confuse at Shaku change that once worried and now mad at her.

“That’s why I disappointed with u..” Shaku pouting as she heard Gakuran words that really disappointed her.

“Shaku…because it’s the truth..” Gakuran said with pleading face that hoping Shaku understand her.

“Ah..really…” Shaku look at Black that just nodded weakly and then turn to look at Shibuya and caress Shibuya hair before holding her hands tightly.

Shaku felt surprise at the sudden action that she just see.

BLACK AND SHIBUYA!!! What’s this..

“Ano..is what I think right??” She stared confusedly to Gakuran searching the answer for the things that currently disturb her. Gakuran just nod weakly while caress her head and some part of her body that still felt a bit hurt.

“WAIT!! This is HOT!! HOT!! NEWS!!” Shaku shout loudly just to inviting lot of gaze and receive attention from the customer of the restaurant.

“Now..did u understand it??” Black ask directly to Shaku as Gakuran wearing a give up face at that time.

“Huh…” Gakuran let out a long sigh before watch blankly at excited Shaku with the news that she just knew and forgetting about her.


Under the table..

Black and Shibuya write something to each other.

She’s serious about it… -Black

SO?? – Shibuya

It’s true that she’s laugh at me..BUT it’s true too..that ‘past’ of me is funny..hmm.. -Black

Black..it’s not.. -Shibuya

Should we help her?? -Black

How??- Shibuya

Later we talk… -Black

To be continue…

About YuRiAnDo

a girl that love freedom n have more interest to girls...
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